В продаже 1000 штука есть
3 500 000 сум
1 166 667 сум / 3 Месяц
Over the two-year period 2004–2005, new plants were inaugurated in Hanoi and St Petersburg, while the acquisition of Ecoflam was completed, the latter among Italy's leading companies for heating systems; in 2008, after the acquisition of Termogamma SA,[4] specialised in the production of heat pumps, the company opened its European centre of excellence for solar heating systems in Italy, in Serra de' Conti. In 2009, the company (until then part of MTS Group) changed its name to Ariston Thermo.[5] Ariston Thermo acquired in 2011 Cipag SA and Domotec AG, leaders in Switzerland for the production, distribution and maintenance of water heating systems.[6]
Stir: 309 095 650
XR: 2020 8000 9054 6738 5002
Цель оплаты: Залог был передан в основе публичной оферте
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